Our recommendations
Safe Internet Usage
Virtual reality, as well as any other space has its “pros and cons”. The existence of on-line risks is as incontestable as the benefit and amusement brought by the Internet resources. Not only governmental agencies, but also Internet industry tend to keep a vigilant watch over the safety of Internet users. Nevertheless, the lack of information about online risks results in new victims every day.
That is why, especially for you, we have elaborated certain safety appliances consisting of Internet usage recommendations.
Here are the main safety Internet tips which once learnt will help you and your children to protect yourself from the majority of online risks:
Content risks
- Pornography, child pornography, piracy, drugs and extremism propaganda, unprintable texts
Safety risks
- Computer viruses, Trojans, unsolicited e-mail (SPAM), online fraud
Communication risks
- Illegal contact, cyber-bullying (a range of offline behaviours including threats and sexual harassment)